Akashic Record Reading
The Akashic Records is a field of infinite possibilities and is a library to your unique and individual soul after becoming incepted by God the creator, himself. From here, I am able to communicate directly in unimaginably higher realms, with your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones who guide you throughout your life.

Akashic Record Reading
60 Minutes / $150
If you'd like to come and experience the most heart felt, sentimental, deep rooted reading I have to offer based on your souls journey and receive guidance, insight, and a sense of direction for your path, then this reading is truly meant for you. Let your intuition guide you in the right direction by scheduling a reading today! The Akashic Records is a field of infinite possibilities! Don't wait any longer on meeting members of your Spirit Team and receive the greatest advice and channeled messages for your souls needs and desires!